I was excited because this was going to be my first child. No one wanted my baby as much as I did. I went to all my appointments. I made extra appointments or called when I did not feel right. During first trimester, I was really tired but did not have much morning sickness. At the start of the second trimester, I could not keep anything down. I figured it was just a part of pregnancy. At 19 weeks, I began to have a pain in my upper abdomen. I made an appointment for 11-11-11 at 10 am. That is when everything changed.
I went to the appointment. I started to get nervous when my blood pressure was checked over five times. I was sent to the hospital for observation because my blood pressure was elevated. I still was not thinking things were serious.
Once the test were ran, the nurse came in and said "Please turn the TV off." After that she told me that I had Preeclampsia and I would in the hospital for a while. I broke down. I was concerned about my baby. At the time, I did not know the gender of my baby. Maternal Fetal Medicine came to do an ultrasound. That's when I found out I was having a BABY BOY! I had felt the whole time that I was having a boy.
I was moved from the triage area to the high risk maternity ward. There I was told about HELLP Syndrome and I was going down hill pretty quickly. I was told I would have to deliver to save my like and at 19 weeks my baby would not survive. I was broken.
On 11-11-11 at 9:08 pm, my baby boy was born through emergency c-section. He was so beautiful. His heart was beating and he was trying to breathe. I hoping there was a chance form him to survive. A big HOPE. He lived 37 amazing minutes and touched so many lives.
We named him Roosevelt Washington IV.
I miss him so much and think about him every day.